Book 7. The Energy of Life (2003)
2. A bride for an English lord
6. And where is your thought right now?
7. A conversation with Anastasia’s grandfather
10. The speed of one’s thinking
14. A society of schizophrenics?
16. To Jews, Christians and others
18. Take down Jesus Christ from the cross
22. The marvellous Vedruss holidays
24. An exercise for teleportation
25. Give children their Motherland
26. A security zone of the future
A society of schizophrenics?
In listening to Anastasia’s grandfather’s account of what Man should eat and how, I couldn’t help comparing what he said with the dietary regimes of people today, even rich people living in so-called civilised countries. A rather puzzling situation unfolded. Let’s work it out together once and for all.
To begin with, we all know that it is healthful for Man to consume fresh and ecologically clean produce.
We all know that in Nature there are plants capable of treating all types of diseases of the body. Hold on — we need to be more precise: in Nature there are plants capable of preventing diseases of the body. Then why don’t we have them available? Why and under whose influence have we chosen a way of life which destroys not only our bodies but our minds too? Someone out there must be simply laughing at us, befooling us into calling this way of life ‘civilised’ besides.
If we use terms like civilised country, civilised society, meaning by this a society of people which has achieved a certain (and, of course, correct) level of development, then this development should also be reflected in, among other things, questions pertaining to diet. And not just ‘among other things’, but first and foremost.
Now let’s pay a visit together to a typical food-store or su-permarket, the kind you find in any so-called civilised country. It could be either in the West or here in Russia — if we’re talking about major cities, the difference in variety of produce isn’t all that great.
We find that the majority of produce available is nicely packaged and has a long shelf-life. We find a whole lot of dried, frozen and concentrated products, which can hardly be termed ‘fresh produce’.
At the supermarket we can also find so-called ‘fresh’ vegetables, beautiful-to-look-at tomatoes, cucumbers and so forth. But lately it has come to light that these are hybrids — specially cultivated varieties capable of preserving their good looks for a long time, but considerably inferior in quality to the normal, natural variety.
Just about any adult resident of a European country is aware of this. Europe already has a chain of stores with signage pro-claiming they sell only ecologically clean merchandise, but at a price about five times higher than in other stores. This means that the public has now recognised that other stores (and there are far more of them) sell produce that is not ecologically clean.
But let us call a spade a spade. The public has recognised that a majority of their number have been consuming produce that is harmful to their health.
Hold on! What about the term civilised society ? Is it possible for people in a ‘civilised society’ to consume food of inferior quality which is harmful to their health?
A more accurate description of such a people might be a ‘muddle-headed society’, or a ‘society with a befuddled popu-lation’.
In ‘muddle-headed societies’, whose ranks Russia seems to be trying so hard today to join, one can outline a distinct system for befuddling the population.
Look at what is happening. Someone consumes inferior produce and takes ill. The sick person falls into the arms of a system called ‘health care’. This system has at its disposal a huge quantity of drugs, hospitals and clinics — and this has to be paid for somehow. Huge sums of money are
continually being poured into it. We are told it is constantly improving.
But note: according to statistics the number of sick people is rising each year. Then along come new diseases which mankind never had to grapple with before — including a whole lot of mental illnesses, not to mention the fashionable profession of psychotherapy
And the question resounds loud and clear: what is behind the degradation of the overall health of these ‘civilised societies’? Isn’t the health-care system itself at least partly to blame?
By comparing data from various sources, anyone who wishes to can determine that the overall degradation of humanity’s health is an actual fact.
Yes, we’re talking about physical well-being, but mental health is an even more dangerous factor.
We have only but to turn away from the obtrusive, monot-onous flood of information that does not allow Man to think about what is really going on, and we begin to doubt (to put it mildly) the ‘normality’ of the majority of the population of these so-called ‘civilised societies’. We begin to look upon these societies’ chosen lifestyle as indicative of a schizophrenia disorder. Judge for yourselves.
Let’s say a Man living in his family domain wanted to eat — an apple, for example. What does he do? He goes out into his orchard, picks fresh fruit from a tree and eats it.
Then let’s take a look at the actions of another Man who lives in a city apartment in a developed society, who also wants to eat an apple. He takes some money, goes to the store and buys an apple, which is no longer fresh. He buys an apple which another person grew and packed in a crate. Someone else transported this apple in a truck or a plane. Then a third party built a store and placed this apple on one of the counters. All these operations, from the growing of the apple
right up to the final sale, are accounted for by special people who compile inventories and collect taxes, duties and other exorbitant charges.
Thus we have a whole chain of procedures whereby people are involved in the supposedly useful business of offering a fellow human being the opportunity to taste the fruit of an apple tree. And the one who tastes this fruit must first find work somewhere to earn the paper money and pay for this whole thought-up chain of intermediaries standing between the apple-tree’s branch and Man.
Yet our society considers this normal. A befuddled society has no inkling that someone very much wanted to lead people away from their true purpose and have their attention occupied in senseless pursuits.
The process of drawing people into such absurdities has been a long one. That’s not something you could do quickly. If you tried to do it quickly, even the most feeble-minded individual would be able to see the stupidity of what was happening.
Just think what a paradox it all is! One fine day you decide, as usual, to go out to your apple tree and pick some fruit. You no sooner step off your front porch and start heading for the tree than you catch sight of a whole queue of people.
“Who are you?” you ask the fellow standing closest to you.
“I’m an apple dealer,” he answers.
‘And who are these people behind you?” you continue to wonder, and hear in reply:
“Behind me is the person who trucks the apples to my store, behind him is the one who picks them from the tree, and around each one of us you see an entourage of people in fresh clean suits — they are the ones who record the quantity of apples that pass through our hands.”
“But really, what are you, chaps? Don’t tell me you’re a bunch of schizos?” you blurt out in a fluster. “What’s with all
the meaningless red tape? Who’s going to thank you for such nonsense as this?”
And the reply comes:
“You will thank us — you will pay all of us money, and with that money we too shall buy apples.”
‘And where am I going to get all that money to pay you?” “Go see your neighbour, the one with the pear trees. There’s a job open for a record clerk. YDU can become a pear-tree record clerk, earn money, pay us and eat apples whenever you like.” How absurd! — you’re thinking, no doubt. Utter schizophrenia! Of course it’s absurd. Of course it’s schizophrenia. But this is just the kind of tiling that’s going on right now with each of us in our society
The conditions for a healthy life — and really, they are all too obvious — need to be set down in the form of a treatise. Well, here’s one — a miniature treatise:
Point Number 1. Every Man living on the Earth should have his own domain, his own Space to guarantee for himself a supply of high-quality food.
Point Number 2. In his own Space Man should grow, pref-erably by his own hand, fruit-bearing plants — plants that he considers tasty and healthful. Say, for example, someone knows ahead of time that he doesn’t like red currants — he need not plant these in large quantities. Altogether at least three hundred varieties of perennials should be put in. I shall not go over again the particular methods of sowing and communicating with the plants, as they were described back in the first book, when Anastasia was talking about the dachniks.1 Naturally, this is not something that can be accomplished in the space of a year — or even two or three. But it is entirely possible to ensure that one’s children will have, in fact, an ideal source of food supply
Point Number 3. Every morning upon awakening, a Man should take a walk through his family domain and, if he de-sires, eat some fruit or berries or herbs which have just that moment ripened to maturity This should be done entirely according to one’s desire, and not at the recommendation of some sort of dietician, even one with a post-graduate degree. Once your body has become familiar with all the taste qualities of the food growing in your domain, it will compile the ideal regime for you in terms of quality, quantity and the appropriate time for the food to be eaten. You don’t need to go out to your garden just in the morning or according to a strict timetable somebody has thought up, but only when you have a real desire to eat.
In our modern living conditions, many people cannot stay all the time in their domain, even if they have one. But it is good to go out to it at least once a week.
And in case of illness, before taking any medicines, it is best simply to go out to your family Space and stay there for several days.
If you have already established your own Space, and if your body can access information about the plants growing in that Space, it will be able to determine with absolute certainty what is necessary for recovering your health.
According to Anastasia’s affirmation, there are no diseases of the human flesh which cannot be overcome by the Space of Love you have created.
Of course we’re not talking about the space of a city flat, but a domain established according to the principles she has set forth.
After formulating these rules on a pad of paper, I read them to Anastasia’s grandfather and asked:
“Have I left out anything?”
“If you simply want to jot down a summary, this will do to start with. Only you really must say something about the neighbours.”
“What have neighbours got to do with it?” I didn’t understand at first.
“What d’you mean, what have they got to do with it?” Grandfather was taken aback by my query “Think about it: if just on the other side of the fence from your domain there’s a factory spewing forth deadly fumes, and the wind carries these fumes into the Space of your domain, what kind of air are you going to be breathing?”
“Nobody would build their domain next to a factory!” I protested, but said no more.
Then I remembered. In the city of Novosibirsk, there are dacha plots located barely half a kilometre from a tin-smelter. And in Germany there are farmers’ fields right next to an autobahn with eight lanes of traffic.
And I thought: Wow! Such a simple concept as growing agricultural produce for food is possible only in places that are ecologically clean — preferably not anywhere close to big cities. There’s no way a simple concept like this is going to get through to Man. So I’ve really got to add one more point:
Point Number 4. Your domain should be located in an ecologically clean zone. It should be surrounded by the domains of those who share your vision of creating family oases of Paradise. One breeze will carry life-giving pollen from your domain to your neighbours’, while another breeze from their direction will bring you life-giving air.
Pay attention!