the Ringing cedars of Russia
Vladimir Megre English translation by John Woodsworth

Book 8, part 2. The Rites of Love (2006)

A nuptial rite for women with children


Their lives unfolded quite well. Ivan invited Svetlana and her son to come for a visit, and they stayed a week in his apartment. After that they corresponded with each other. When spring came, Ivan let his Moscow flat to tenants for a goodly monthly rent, while he himself went off to Novozybkov He set up his pup tent next to Svetlana and Dima’s tent.

The former paratrooper had everything needed for life in field conditions, including a camp stove that could be used for heating. Ivan eagerly set about digging trenches for the foundation of their future house. He was assisted even more eagerly by Dima, who visited with his mother on weekends. With the onset of the summer holidays, they all began sleeping in the tents. Each evening they would gather round a fire and talk about plans for their future domain.

One evening when it came time to go to bed and the fire was burning low, Dima said:

“In normal families a husband and wife sleep together in one room, and their children in another. Is it okay if I sleep in your tent, Ivan, and you and Mama in ours?”

“But we aren’t husband and wife just yet,” Svetlana protested.

Ivan rose to his feet and held out his hand to Svetlana, helping her up. Solemnly, with just a slight trembling, he pronounced:

“With you, fair goddess, and with our fine young son, I could co-create a Space of Love to last forever.”

And Svetlana quietly responded:

“We are ready to help you in your grand co-creation.”

Dima jumped for joy and clapped his hands. Then, under a starry sky, they performed the nuptial rite to become husband and wife, as well as the rite of adoption at the same time, whereby Dima became Ivan’s own son.

“Maybe you intended to say, Anastasia, that the boy Dima became Ivan’s adopted son?”

“He became his very own son. And Ivan became Dima’s very own father.”

“But how could that be, Anastasia? It goes against all the laws of biology!”

“But it does not go against Heaven. The Vedruss people knew the laws of Heaven. Ivan, Dima and Svetlana were familiar with the Vedruss nuptial rite for women with children. They performed it.”

“What kind of rite is that? How did they know about it?”

“You described it.”

“I never wrote about it.”

“Don’t forget, Vladimir, I’m telling you about events that will happen in the future. And you will describe this rite. I am going to tell you about it.”

This rite derives its principal power from the thoughts and desires of three people who want to build a future together. Women play a central role in preparing for this rite. The woman should be able to explain to her child the necessity of living as a family, the necessity of having a father and creating a domain together with him, building a house and planting an orchard. When a child shows or generates an interest in such a project, he must be brought into the search for a future spouse and father. Every mother knows her own child better than anyone else. There is no single formula for achieving the



desired result — it will be different for every mother. The main thing is to achieve one’s goal.

Many children do not immediately desire to welcome some other person into their home. And in the absence of such a desire on the part of the child to have a father and join in the mother’s search, it is better not to introduce anyone else into the home.

The mother plays a central role in preparing for the nuptial rite only at the beginning stages. At the moment when the rite is actually performed, the motive energy source will be the thought of the child.

If a man and woman have decided on co-habitation while the woman’s child is still very small, they can live together without performing the rite until the child grows a little and acquires his own conscious awareness of what family life means. The man and woman should make joint efforts, too, toward this end. If the child grows up accepting his stepfather as his own father, the nuptial rite is still necessary, since it is able to transform an adopted son or daughter into the father’s own — in terms of both blood and spirit. This rite can exert a tremendous beneficial influence only if it is performed on the ground of their future family domain, regardless of whether it was first started by the man or the woman. What is important is that it is to everybody’s liking, especially the child’s.

The rite should take place in the open air, under the stars. There should be a fire burning, or three candles. Svetlana and Ivan were lucky: after their mutual declaration of desire to co-create their life together, there were lots of stars in the sky, the fire was still burning, so they did not have to wait for another night, but got married right away And they did everything just the right way

Ivan and Svetlana stood in front of Dima. Ivan looked up at the stars and spoke first:

“Here, on the ground of our family domain, I wish a happy life for our family line. I wish to build a house and plant an orchard.

“I ask you, Dima, for your agreement to allow me to be wedded to your mother for ever, and for you to become my own son.”

“I shall be very happy if you, Ivan, will live with my mother and me. Perhaps I shall even become a better pupil. And can I call you Papa?”

“Of course,” replied Ivan.

Then it was Svetlana’s turn to speak:

“Thank you, my son, for helping me find a husband. I agree to become his faithful wife. A wife should take care of her husband. With your permission, my son, I shall surround Ivan, your father, with loving care.”

“Of course, Mama. W>u should most certainly take care of Ivan. And I shall take care of him. Let us buy Papa a new prosthesis. I saw him wrapping his old one around with insulation tape.”

It is not important to pronounce the same words each time in this rite. The most important aspect is thought, which should be heard by the planets currently standing above the marital pair and their child or children. For this it is necessary to bring a wide-mouthed vessel of some sort — a glass, or a mug, for example — out of which each participant should take a drink of water (at least three swallows), and then pour water on their hands and wash their hair. Then all three should lie down on the grass for no less than nine minutes head to head, hold each other’s hands and look up to the starry sky, mentally asking the planets above them to help them build a happy life for their family line, and requesting love to take up residence in the family domain. This will happen if the thought of all three of them is sincere and strong.

It is not necessary for the love to be strong at the moment of the wedding. A strong mutual sympathy or attraction is sufficient. Love will undoubtedly grow stronger with time. It almost always happened within a year or two among the Vedruss people.

This is a very powerful rite, but it is not occult. When astronomers and psychologists restore at least a part of the knowledge people used to have, they will understand its cosmic power.

Have you understood, Vladimir? This is something in which plants, water, the Earth, the planets and human thought all take part. As the people’s aspirations merge into a single whole, they will harness the elements into forwarding their cause in accordance with Divine essence of the Cosmos.

You most certainly know already, Vladimir, the close inter-connection between the faraway planets in the heavens and the blades of grass and flowers and bugs and everything else living on the Earth. The ebb and flow of the tides are governed by the planets.

Of course, there is a lot in human life which is influenced by the planets, but in this particular instance, the three people performing the rite, uniting into one, charge the planets with the task of making their union beneficially strong. Man’s request to the planets, when his goal corresponds to God’s programme, is treated by the planets as a great gift, giving them a feeling of pride in themselves and in Man. His conscious, earnest appeal sets many of the planets in the sky into a rousing, propitious acceleration. The heavenly bodies located at that precise moment above the people lying on the ground, form a wordless alliance to assist these people in their deeds.

This discovery was made by a wise-man, after a period of ninety years leading up to it, in which he observed the planets and compared them with people’s deeds.

When the wise-men-scholars were endeavouring to understand this rite, they came to the conclusion that in some miraculous fashion, either the planets or the power of various cosmic energies can erase unpleasant reminiscences of one’s past life from human memory, making room for new, bright sensations.

Not only that, but these energies unite three people together in ecstasy

Remember, Vladimir, how you were telling me about tel- egony. Modern science has learnt that there is some kind of energy which participates in the formation of the physical bodies of animals and people. Note that these energies are invisible to the eye and are not contained in visible matter, but their power is effective. Besides, their participation comes about by the will of Man. When they act in accordance with human will, their effectiveness increases a hundredfold.

It is important to point out that the essence of the rite we have been discussing is such that, in contrast to telegony, there is no invasion of the old liaison into the new alliance, but that it completely extirpates the energies of the old alliance and endows the participants with new strength, and gives them new life.

“Wow! It’s such a brief rite, and yet the results are extraordinary. It really creates blood ties among them.”

“Brief, you say? Think about it carefully, Vladimir. The preparation for this ‘brief’ rite, as you call it, may take several years.”

The rite must be preceded by two important customs.

Take the first — here is an example: the mother needs to prepare her child ahead of time, then — pay close attention, Vladimir — Ivan started by saying that he wanted a place to set up his tent and offered to do household work in return.

This point actually comes from a different rite. Every ‘old stag’ — as old or middle-aged bachelors used to be called — was supposed to spend one month a year working in a woman’s home, either for a widow living alone or one living with children. He was not obliged to spend the whole month with the same widow The bachelor could work a week for one, and then go on to another. This custom, of course, was not designed just to offer aid to single women. Its aim was to get people acquainted with each other and help them create a family A bachelor might come to a widow and say:

“Madam, I am looking for work, you see. Would you happen to have anything for me?”

If the woman did not like the man’s looks at first sight, she might reply:

“Everything here’s been done over and over again. Besides, I can’t afford to pay anything right now”

On the other hand, if she liked the man, she might give him some sort of work to do for two or three days. Then she could offer him more work. It did not really matter how knowledgeable or skilful he was. The main thing was whether the two people liked each other or not.

If there was a mutual attraction, the woman might ask the man to stay longer than a month and, if he stayed, start calling him herprimak.  And after a year of co-habitation they could either get married or go their separate ways.

“Tell me, Anastasia, after this rite, would the newlyweds still need to go to the Civil Registration Office?”

“People can go through with whatever formalities are necessary in life, but these can never interfere with what is most important.”

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