Book 8, part 2. The Rites of Love (2006)
1. Love — the essence of the Cosmos
2. Do our lives correspond to the Divine programme?
Should we seek out our ‘other half'?
5. Conception involves more than flesh
Arkaim — Academy of the wise-men
What is the message of Sungir?
Love and the States military preparedness
9. The Creator’s greatest gift
Love as a fully fledged member of the family
True love will most certainly be reciprocated
Love, too, was teaching in the Vedruss school
14. The psychology of Man’s genesis and
When a man brings a child into the world
15. A rite for a woman giving birth without a husband
16. Where should we have our babies?
19. From the stars will they return to the Earth
20. Even in chaos there is a purpose
22. A nuptial rite for women with children
Why does love come and go?
Oh, how many poems and philosophical treatises have been devoted to this very feeling! In fact, it is hard to find a literary work where it is not touched upon to some extent. Nearly all religions talk about love. It is considered to be a great feeling imparted to Man by God.
The reality of our current human conditions, however, portrays the feeling of love as a most sadistic phenomenon.
Let’s face the truth. Statistics show that sixty to seventy percent of marriages are doomed to failure. The failure comes after years of an uneasy coexistence on the part of two people who were once in love. Sometimes these years are marked by mutual insults, scandals and even face-smashing.
The original beautiful and inspired feeling vanishes, only to be replaced by years of anger, insults, hatred and, ultimately, unhappy children.
This is the sad result of what we call love today
Could such a result be considered a gift from God! No way!
But perhaps it is we ourselves who turn aside from some kind of way of life inherent in Man, and that is why love vanishes, telling us, in effect: I can’t live in such conditions. Tour way of life is killing me. And you yourselves are dying.
Remembering my conversation in the taiga, I recalled how unusually the grey-haired recluse talked about love. “Love,” he said, “is the greatest and most powerful energy in the Cosmos. It is never thoughtless. It has thoughts and its own feelings too. Love is a living, self-sufficient entity a living being.
“By the will of God it is sent to the Earth, ready to bestow its great energy on every Earth-dweller and make their lives eternal in love. It comes to each one of them, endeavouring to tell them, through the language of feelings, about the Divine programme. If Man doesn’t listen, it is forced to leave, not by its own will, but by Man’s.”
Love! A mysterious feeling. And even though almost every Man who has ever lived on the Earth has managed to experience it, love remains largely uninvestigated.
On the one hand, the theme of love is touched upon in most works of prose and poetry, and in most artistic genres. On the other, all the information these contain merely establishes the existence of such a phenomenon. At best, it describes but the outward manifestations of love and variations in behaviour on the part of different people under the influence of the feeling as it has appeared in them.
But is it really necessary to investigate the feeling of love, which everybody knows?
The extraordinary and brand new information I received in the Siberian taiga confirms that investigation is extremely necessary. We need to learn to understand love.
I believe one of the most accurate answers to the question as to why love fades is simply that it vanishes when it finds no understanding.
People in the past understood love.
Judge for yourselves: more than ten thousand years ago the Vedruss people possessed knowledge enabling them to carry out actions which not only strengthened love but made it everlasting. One such action was the Ancient Vedic wedding rite. After the description was published in one of my books, many academic researchers came round to affirming that this particular rite was capable of transforming an initially flaring feeling into a permanent one. Comparing it with the rites of various peoples both past and present, I began more and more to draw
the conclusion that the Ancient Vedic wedding rite was a ra-tional deed thought up by the wisdom of the people, which is capable even today of helping many family couples find lasting love. However, let’s go through everything in order.
And let us begin with the most important thing.
Pay attention!