Book 8, part 2. The Rites of Love (2006)
1. Love — the essence of the Cosmos
2. Do our lives correspond to the Divine programme?
Should we seek out our ‘other half'?
5. Conception involves more than flesh
Arkaim — Academy of the wise-men
What is the message of Sungir?
Love and the States military preparedness
9. The Creator’s greatest gift
Love as a fully fledged member of the family
True love will most certainly be reciprocated
Love, too, was teaching in the Vedruss school
14. The psychology of Man’s genesis and
When a man brings a child into the world
15. A rite for a woman giving birth without a husband
16. Where should we have our babies?
19. From the stars will they return to the Earth
20. Even in chaos there is a purpose
22. A nuptial rite for women with children
A family-centred society
To all appearances, in order to bring back lost effective traditions and rites capable of preserving love in families, it would seem necessary to obtain full information about the life of our forebears.
To this end we must delve even deeper into our historical past, right down to the family-community-centred society,
when a husband and wife who loved each other created a friendly family community together with their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
In today’s world a husband and wife simply cannot hold on to even their closest relatives — their children. No sooner do their offspring approach adulthood than they try to get out from under their parents’ wing. They go off to live in a university residence, or rent an apartment — often at considerable expense, but they still go.
And we’re not just talking about children! Many couples separate even before children come along, or shortly after their appearance.
The family-community-centred society existed many millennia in Rus’ before the princes came along. It was characterised by an absence of divorce and stronger family units, in comparison with subsequent social structures in our history. Only genuine love is capable of starting a family line. In the past it was much easier for grown children to leave the family than today I’m talking about the early period in Rus’, before the arrival of the princes.
If two young people who loved each other weren’t happy with their relationships with their parents, they could leave home and set up their own dwelling on whatever territory they took a fancy to. They could start by nourishing themselves on what they found in the forest; then they would till the ground and establish a household. But they didn’t go away. That means the founders of the family line treated them with understanding and love.
We need to study this period and from it draw into our modern way of life grains of logic capable of helping build strong families today
But how, by what means can we access information about this era in people’s lives, when Russian history describes only the Christian period?
Another factor necessitating an investigation into our people’s historical past is the importance of determining whether the ancient rites and culture disappeared all by themselves, having outlived their usefulness, or whether the traditions of many millennia were deliberately destroyed.
If they disappeared all on their own, then there is no point in digging into the historical past, since the people themselves rejected their ancient culture, not seeing it as useful, which means it would not be accepted today either.
If, on the other hand, the ancient traditions were deliberately destroyed, then we must look into the question of by whom and for what purpose. We must seek them out, find them and present them to society for evaluation.
It is possible the ancient rites and traditions conceal within themselves such important secrets of human existence that without uncovering them we shall continue to move toward an abyss, die out and torment ourselves with family strife. We often talk about large-scale wars. Family conflict, however, is often more painful for each of its participants than news about war in Iraq or events in Israel.
Recalling everything I knew about Ancient Russian history, I decided that, strange as it might seem at first glance, the only thread leading through the vast labyrinth of historical falsehoods was the conqueror Genghis Khan — in other words, the three-hundred-year period of the so-called ‘Tataro- Mongol Yoke’ in Rus’. Why? Because this period began shortly after the Christianisation of Rus’, when the traditions of our ancestors had not yet been completely annihilated.
Not only that, but Genghis Khan was just about the brightest, most interesting and enlightened personality of his time. It is not only that he and his descendants conquered half the world, but it is fascinating to see how they did it.
I can tell you right off that their army played only a secondary role in this process. We know from various historical sources that Genghis Khan sent expeditions to many lands, as far away as China and India, which supplied him with wise- men. He spent a great deal of time conversing with men of wisdom. He was attempting to determine the purpose of human existence on the Earth, and to find immortality In other words, he was gathering the wisdom of various peoples and could well have possessed information about the social structure of Ancient Rus’.
And it turned out, in fact, that he did. I am convinced that it was thanks to this information that his family, his sons and great-grandchildren were able to hold the so-called elite of many countries in subjection over the centuries. And I mean exactly that — it wasn’t countries or their peoples that he held in subjection, but their elites that were usurping the peoples of these countries.
Somebody might wonder what on earth the knowledge of ancient family traditions and love-preserving rites has to do with the successful subjugation of states.
You shouldn’t be surprised — there is a simple direct rela-tionship, and such knowledge is more powerful than millions of soldiers’ swords or even the most state-of-the-art weaponry.
I shall not bother describing the whole three-hundred-year period of the Tataro-Mongolian hold on Rus’. I shall cite just one episode — albeit a very typical and interesting episode — the subjugation of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, on which I have collected information from various sources. Let’s try to arrive at some conclusions together.
Pay attention!