the Ringing cedars of Russia
Vladimir Megre English translation by John Woodsworth

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Book 10. Anasta (2010)

Artificial water supply system


The mankind drove in the earth millions of kilometers of the metal pipes called by a water supply system. Enormous efforts on production of these pipes, their laying in a trench are spent. They demand constant service and capital repairs for which people are forced to pay with a hard work. At the same time the water following from cranes in our apartments is non drinkable. All this besides that in the nature there is a natural water supply system, it not only the rivers, but also ground waters. On veins of Earth the vivifying, healing water capable to fill millions of wells flows. The natural water supply system does not demand repair, moreover, it is capable to purify the water polluted on a surface, to saturate with minerals and other necessary substances the vital product. But the modern way of life of the person of the city deprived of it an opportunity to use the natural water supply system designed and constructed by the Creator.

There is a question: this way of life of people chose independently or under the influence of certain forces? To answer it, let's consider one more situation, it differently as a mental disease of society to call difficult. What the modern average family is offered to make actions in Europe, America or Russia to get own apartment, the house?




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