the Ringing cedars of Russia
Vladimir Megre English translation by John Woodsworth

Book 8, part 2. The Rites of Love (2006)

When a man brings a child into the world...


“Hold on, hold on there, Anastasia. Explain what you mean when you say ‘a man brings a child into the world’. After all, men cannot actually give birth. They are physically incapable of giving birth.”

“There is a trap hidden in there, you see, Vladimir. In accepting the suggestion that birth is mainly a physiological procedure, the majority of people have thereby excluded the Great Spirit, the Father-Creator, from the birth process. More specifically, they have excluded God the Father from the birthing mother’s labour. It was God’s absence that first got reflected in the woman in the form of labour pains, and subsequently of general human suffering.”

“Can you explain in more detail the marts role in the labour? And why is excluding him tantamount to excluding God? Should the father, or the man, attend to his wife’s labour?”

“It is quite unnecessary for the man to attend to the labour. It is sufficient for him to be by her side, but that is not the father’s main purpose.”

“But what, then, is his main purpose?”

“To comprehend that, you must realise that the mother’s womb nourishes the flesh of the foetus conceived in her from her beloved male partner. It feeds the flesh, and that is important indeed, but it is not the most important factor.

“The foetus reacts to the condition and feelings not only of the mother, but in equal measure to those of the father.

“When a husband talks with his pregnant wife, the foetus conceived does not understand the parents’words, it does not really comprehend the meaning of the words uttered to their full extent, but acutely perceives the feelings of the parents.

“Sometimes a man is led by an impulse of tender feelings to caress his pregnant wife’s tummy or to put his ear to it and hear the baby’s movements. Caresses like that are pleasing to the woman, but the foetus inside her, it would seem, does not perceive them physically, but it feels them on an immeasurably greater level.

“The feelings of the baby’s mother and father come to him in a flood. He receives them with great joy, with supreme bliss.

“On the level of feelings, the foetus takes account of thoughts as well. When parents wait for their child in love and harmony and keep thinking about him, then from the very moment of conception he constantly dwells in the father’s and mother’s energy field, and this is very pleasing to him.

“It is through the mother’s and father’s feelings that the child feels the surrounding world outside his mother’s womb.

“If a father at his pregnant wife’s side hears and exults in the song of a nightingale, the foetus in the mother’s womb will feel both the song and the father’s joy After he is born and grows up, he will continue to delight in the nightingale’s song, just as he did in the womb.

“If the father or mother suddenly takes fright upon beholding a serpent, the child, once born, will be frightened at the same sight, too. In the womb, of course, he could not actually see the serpent, but through what his parents see, the information about it will be stored in his subconscious throughout his life.

“When a father, Vladimir, skilfully sings songs to his pregnant wife, their infant will sing no worse than his father as he grows up. If a father starts contemplating the stars in his mind, their offspring after birth will show an interest in the stars.”

“I have also heard, Anastasia, of how a certain composer played the piano for his pregnant wife, repeating over and over again a tune he had composed which had caught his wife’s fancy But later the composer divorced his wife before the birth of their son.

“When the child had grown a bit, his mother put him in a music school. And one day she heard him performing his father’s tune. The amazed mother decided that her son had somewhere discovered an old musical score, since this tune had never been performed at any concert, and the score had never been published. But upon entering the piano room, she saw that he was playing without any score at all. She asked her son:

“Who taught you to play this piece, son?’

“‘Nobody,’ the boy replied. ‘I just heard it somewhere, but I can’t remember where. I like it. What about you, Mama?’ “‘I like it, too, very much,’ replied the woman, and asked her son how he could have memorised it, since in school he had never started playing new works right off, even from a score.

“‘No, never right away, but this one took hardly any time at all to learn by heart, for some reason. It just seemed to be inside me. I want to continue it, and add to it in the same key’ “The boy continued to develop his father’s melody which he had heard in his mother’s womb. Like his father, he too eventually became a composer.”


“That is a good example you cited, Vladimir, and it is by no means the only one. Many examples point to the fact that child-raising effectively begins right from the mother’s womb. And even a little bit earlier, before the conception even takes place.”

“What d’you mean, earlier? Prior to conception, after all, there isn’t anybody there yet.”

“Remember, you were telling me about telegony, Vladimir, about how a child born to a woman may resemble the first man in her life, rather than the father with whom the material conception took place. This very phenomenon attests to the fact that someone who is not yet conceived, but just waiting his turn in the conception queue, can ‘read’ information about the father.”

“Is there really such a thing as a conception queue?”

“There is. Just as soon as intimacy occurs between a man and woman, a spirit is born in space, ready for a material embodiment.”

“What, even if they’re just having sex for fun, without any thought of childbearing?”

“The spirit appears whenever the man experiences satisfaction.”

“YDU mean, orgasm?”

“I do not like that word, Vladimir. It implies information which gives a false impression of the essence of the act.”

“Okay, let’s just call it satisfaction. But is there any way you can prove the existence of this spirit?”

“You yourself can find the proof, Vladimir, if you wish. After all, one person may grasp the essence of this phenomenon from just a few words spoken, while another may require years, even after being presented with a multitude of examples, and even then may still be reluctant to understand.”

“Well, can modern science offer at least indirect proofs of what you are saying?”

“Of course.”

“What kind of science — biology, genetics? To tell the truth, I need to know, so that I can more easily search for proofs.”

“ Tou will easily be able to find them in physics, Vladimir.” “In physics? What’s physics got to do with it? You were talking about the spiritual — maybe I could try esoterics, but physics?”

“In physics there is a law of conservation of energy”

‘And what’s that law got to do with it?”

“During intimacy with a woman an unusually powerful energy builds up inside the man, and the moment comes when he releases it. According to the law of conservation of energy, it cannot simply disappear without a trace, but is capable of mutating from one state into another. In the situation we are talking about, it is precisely the man’s colossal energy and the lightning speed at which it is released that forms a spirit.”  “Yes, I can agree with that. But at the same time it’s sad. How many spirits have men formed that haven’t ever obtained a material embodiment! They probably number many times more than the population of the Earth!”

“Yes, many times more.”

“Do they suffer, or do they just stay as senseless energy?” “They have feelings. Their suffering is monumental.” “What about the spirits that are conceived? Do they begin right off to feel their parents?”

“Yes, right away And they feel their father and mother in equal measure.

“Over the nine months in the mother’s womb the parents can teach the living child a great deal. Such lessons need no repetition. The child will instantly memorise, with life-long retention, any information imparted by his parents.

‘A father who possesses a thorough knowledge can ‘carry’ or shape, as it were, his child’s spiritual and intellectual self.

“It is the father in particular who is responsible for the higher-level components of Man, and in this his role is indeed Godlike in nature.

“It is the father who gives birth to the Man’s spiritual com-ponent. Fathers should spend the whole gestation period compiling the programme which shapes the spirit, character and intellect of the future Man.”

“You are talking, Anastasia, in terms of a ‘programme’, of a father who has a thorough knowledge of the procedure of raising a child still in the mother’s womb...?”

“I am not talking about the father raising his child, but about giving birth. The father does not do any ‘raising’ per se, but simply gives birth to the second, non-material self of his future son or daughter.”

“I would say that we don’t have any concept of that at all in our society Our loss, no doubt. It is considered that the principal role of the father in a child’s birth is finished after conception. Thereafter, in the best-case scenario, the father helps his pregnant wife with household tasks, makes sure all her needs are met.”

“Unfortunately, that is all too often true.”

“But, Anastasia, who then forms the Man’s main spiritual component if the father doesn’t understand his role in this?”

“Either circumstances, or someone who knows about it and uses it to forward his own agenda.”

“So it turns out that men who are ignorant of the possibility of full participation in the formation of their future child right from conception are not raising their children in the fullest sense of the word?”

“Unfortunately, Vladimir, that indeed happens all too often.”

It seems I have only just begun to understand the significance of what Anastasia has said, which in turn has showed me the whole absurdity of our way of life. It may be that all our social upheavals are the result of the fact that the overwhelming majority of us, even when we are together with our children, have little in the way of a relationship to them in practice. We abandon them to the whim of fate, hand them over to somebody else. But at the moment I was having my conversation with Anastasia on this subject, it was not societal but rather personal circumstances that were calling forth sad feelings in me — hopelessly sad, perhaps — feelings that will remain with me my whole life. I didn’t even feel like continuing the conversation.

“You have gone pale, Vladimir,” Anastasia observed, noticing my condition. “Your eyes have dimmed. Why?”

“I have no strength left to talk about it, Anastasia.”

“I have a good idea of what has happened to you. But you will feel better if you can describe the cause of your unhappiness on your own.”

“What is there to describe? It’s perfectly obvious. When I realised the importance of the information you gave about childbirth, it made me realise, too, that I had not participated sufficiently in the birth of my own daughter, Polina. But back then neither my wife nor I had any idea of how we should relate to the question of childbirth.

“But you, Anastasia, had knowledge of this information. You bore a son, and a daughter, and I, it turns out, am once more on the sidelines. You knew this, and still, you didn’t tell me in time what a father’s supposed to do. Not only that, but I remember you telling me that I shouldn’t see my son at all for some time, even after his appearance in the world. What did you do that for?”

“Yes, I did say that to you, Vladimir. But think about it yourself: what would you have begun to teach your son if you had stayed the nine months with me in the taiga? Do you want me to give you a hint as to the answer?”

“Go ahead.”

“You remember, you asked me at that time to leave my family glade in the taiga, my Space of Love, which my parents had formed for me. You wanted me to give birth in a city, in a hospital. Then you said we had to send our son to kindergarten and the best schools, that you would make him into a businessman and that he would carry on your business.”

“Yes, I did say that, but there was a lot I didn’t know back then. Afterward I finally accepted that you would never be able to, or never want to, live in the city but still, you did not invite me to stay with you in the taiga.”

“If I had suggested it, would you have stayed?”

“I don’t know, but quite possibly I would have.”

‘And what would you have done?”

“Like anyone else, I would have found some man’s work to do around the home.”

“But you should know, Vladimir, that I do not need any physical assistance. Everything here is all ready for willing service: the air, the water, the beasts and the grass. I asked about your activities in the hopes of finding out the most important thing, namely, where would your thoughts have been while awaiting the arrival of our son?...

“So, you have nothing to say. After all, your thoughts were just like your words back then.

‘And you might have regretted that you did not succeed in persuading me to live in the city YDU even had a plan in mind

of taking me by force to give birth in a hospital. Yes? Admit it!”

“Well, yes, I did, but it didn’t last very long.”

“Now tell me, Vladimir, just how was our son supposed to react to such thoughts coming from his father? Such aggressive thoughts, besides.”

“Yes, I see now, it wouldn’t have been very good for him. And still, I’m sad that now I... In any case, it turns out that I’m not a fully-fledged father. And that means that you bore a son, and a daughter, too, who are not completely Man.”

“Trust me, Vladimir, and don’t be upset, and don’t be sad. You are a fully-fledged father to our children. And our children have received everything in full measure. It turns out that our son is even a little overloaded with information and sensitivity — at one point my great-grandfather Moisey was not able to restrain himself and told him more than he should have.”

“But how so? I wasn’t with you during your pregnancy. I didn’t compile any programme, I wasn’t present at the birth, I did not invite my children to be born, yet you still say that I’ve come out a fully-fledged father. A moment ago, you were arguing quite the opposite.”



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